Become a Money Coach

Your journey at Leads First Network begins as a Marketing Associate where you will have the opportunity to work alongside Personal Finance Professionals such as Money Coaches. 

Money Coach professionals make it their mission in life to change the lives of individuals and families positively. They are an expert in money therapy and cash flow and debt management. A Money Coach is someone you can count on and who is eager to transform your relationship with money so that you can live the life you deserve. 

Are you interested in becoming a Money Coach? We can help you get there! 

To become a Money Coach, the outline of the courses are as follows:

Module 1 - What is money coaching

Module 2 - Money the last taboo

Module 3 - Identify money myths and hidden limiting money beliefs

Module 4 - Money types: Who we are

Module 5 - Discover our money histories, beliefs, and behaviors

Module 6 - What stands between us and the truth about money

Module 7 - Identify clients' deepest needs, unmet needs, desires, and deprivation

Module 8 - We are the authors of our lives

Module 9 - How do people trap themselves in the debt-trap cycle

Module 10 - Do we have a healthy relationship with our money

Module 11 - What is done can be undone

Module 12 - Identify and heal personal non-serving money beliefs

Module 13 - Resolving money polarization patterns

Please note, that The Cash Flow Analysis and Debt Management Fundamentals is a prerequisite to these modules.

Join the network to explore this career path!

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